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Look at the Better Choices for the Perfect Bets

Draw no bets, in other words “refunded in the event of a draw” bet, are widely used on online betting sites. However, the odds offered for this type of bet are not always the best. Indeed, in many cases, it is possible to considerably increase the amount of the odds and therefore your potential earnings. To do this, you will have to make your own DNB bet odds. In a first step, we will see a tip to get this new “boosted” 파워볼사이트 rating. Then, in a second step, we will apply this technique through a concrete example. Finally, we provide you with a tool to directly create your DNB bets (to come).

Method increase odds bet dnb

How to make your DNB bets?

To create your own DNB bets (refunded if none), the method consists of placing 2 bets instead of 1 only in normal times on the odds proposed by the bookmaker. You will have to divide your initial bet into 2 very distinct bets.

For example, you decide to play a DNB on team 1 (team 1 wins, reimbursed if draw). Instead of placing all of your stake on the odds of the bet “refunded if null” proposed by the operator, you will commit:

A 1st bet on the 1 (team 1 wins)

A second bet on the N (draw)

By doing so, you have made up your own DNB bet. This technique is very useful for players who bet on tobacco because generally this type of bet is not available. Now, let’s see the calculations together to distribute your bets. They are relatively simple, you will see.

The calculation to distribute your bets

You must therefore make 2 bets. Take the example of DNB on team 1:

  • A 1st bet on the draw: M1 = (M / CN)
  • A second bet on the victory of team 1: M2 = (M-M1)

Here, M equals the total bet you decide to play, M1 the first bet on the draw, M2 the second bet on the victory for team 1 and CN, the odds of the draw. So, you just made your own DNB bet. And even better than that, you have just increased (in most cases) the odds of the DNB bet compared to that proposed by the bookmaker.

The calculation to get the new odds for your DNB bet

You have to proceed as follows:

  • Example with a DNB bet on team 1: C ‘= (M2 * C1) / 100

Here, M2 equals the 2nd bet on the victory of team 1, C1 is the odds of the victory of team 1 and C ‘the new odds of your DNB bet. With this calculation, you get a new C ‘rating. If team 1 wins, you win your bet. The calculation of your earnings will be as follows: (M * C ‘- M1 + M2) which is equivalent to (M * C’ – M). In the event of a draw, your total stake will be refunded to you (classic DNB bet). However, if team 1 loses, you lose your entire stake.

Maria Sanchez: Maria is a game reviewer who provides analysis and reviews of online casino games, from slots to table games.